Sustainable Catalysis & Synthesis Lab

The HW Kim
Research Group
Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis
지속가능 유기반응 연구실
연구 분야
Primary areas of interest
Brief introduction to our research field
(NAS-KAST symposium)

In our ongoing research, we are dedicated to advancing the realms of photochemical and electrochemical organic synthesis. Our primary goal is to redefine photo- and electrocatalysis, enabling the efficient synthesis of value-added molecules from raw chemical feedstock.
We endeavor to pioneer a fresh conceptual framework, pushing the boundaries of both photochemical and electrochemical synthetic organic methodologies. Through our exploration of innovative approaches, we strive to contribute to the creation of sustainable and economically feasible pathways in organic synthesis, utilizing state-of-the-art photochemical and electrocatalytic techniques.
Furthermore, we are concurrently conducting research that applies insights gleaned from the electrochemical behavior of organic and organometallic molecules observed in these processes to the development of organic-based battery materials such as organic electrolytes and solvents.

Current Members

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
Postdoctoral Researcher
(Former postdoc advisor:
Prof. Dong Pyo Kim)
Research Background: Flow Chemistry, Photo/electroorganic chemistry
Group joined: 2025.03.
Graduate Students

Eunji Kwon (권은지)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G3)
B.S. PNU (2024)
Group joined: 2024.02.

Ahhyeon Choi (최아현)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G6)
B.S. Ewha (2022)
Group joined: 2022.09.

Doyeon Kim (김도연)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G3)
B.S. KNU (2024)
Group joined: 2024.02.

Sehwa Jung (정세화)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G6)
B.S. Ewha (2022)
Group joined: 2022.09.

Minseok Kang (강민석)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G3)
B.S. POSTECH (2024)
Group joined: 2024.02.

Hyeonseo Kim (김현서)
Integrated Masters & phD course (G1)
B.S. POSTECH (2025)
Group joined: 2025.02.
Undergraduate Researchers

Byeonghyeok Kwak (곽병혁)
POSTECH, Class of 2026
Group joined: 2023.06.
Looking for prospective undergraduate researchers!
학부 인턴/연구참여 학생 모집합니다
전기유기화학 및 라디칼 유기반응 분야에 관심있는 학생은
khw7373@postech.ac.kr로 문의바랍니다

The HW Kim Research Group
(37673) 경북 포항시 남구 지곡로 127번길 50
포항공과대학교 화학관 315호
(37673) POSTECH Chemistry Building #315,
50, Jigok-ro 127beon-gil, Nam-gu, Pohang-si,
Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
e-mail: khw7373@postech.ac.kr
phone: +82-54-279-2332
Students interested in pursuing their graduate studies with us should apply to the integrated M.S and Ph.D. program in chemistry. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to email Hyunwoo Kim (khw7373@postech.ac.kr ).
Postdoctoral positions are now available! Postdoctoral applications should be sent via email to Hyunwoo Kim (khw7373@postech.ac.kr ). Please include in the application package a curriculum vitae and the contact information of 2-3 professional references.
유기합성, 유기금속촉매화학, 전기유기화학 및 배터리 유기소재 개발 관련 연구에 관심이 있는 학부생, 대학원생 및 포스닥 지원자는 khw7373@postech.ac.kr 를 통해 지원 바랍니다.